
The Role of CART- Part 2: Courtroom access for People who are hearing Impaired

Vibrant sounds fill the world; from the gentle strumming of a guitar to the constant barking of your neighbor’s dog at 5:00 a.m., sound is a constant part of daily life. Sounds, whether pleasant or frustrating, provide us with important information, especially in the form of spoken language. For people who are hearing impaired, much of the information contained in speech cannot be accessed.  This makes the American legal system especially difficult for people with hearing difficulties, as the majority of the procedures are based around speech: witnesses testify orally and lawyers present spoken arguments. CART, or Communication Access Real-time Translation, provides a solution to this problem for people who are hearing impaired in the courtroom.  This service, which provides a transcript of the spoken word nearly instantly, allows people who are hearing impaired to understand and benefit from the courtroom environment.

For many people, their hearing loss is a result of aging. Consequently, many elderly people who are considered hard of hearing do not know sign language. In a courtroom setting, though, knowing sign language alone will not guarantee an understanding of courtroom proceedings, unless a sign language interpreter is available. CART fulfills the same role as a sign language interpreter, but without requiring a hearing impaired person to know sign language.

If it is determined that a client needs CART services in order to understand court proceedings, CART professionals must follow a standard protocol in court. This includes communicating the purpose and role of CART services to the judge, attorneys, jurors, witnesses, and any other parties involved. Once everyone is familiar with the CART services, CART professionals can perform their job for people who are hearing impaired in the courtroom.

Do you think CART services and sign language interpreters provide enough assistance for hearing impaired people in the courtroom, or should more accommodations be offered?



Nisar, the dynamic force behind Translation Excellence, stands tall as its founder and CEO. This isn’t just any company—it’s a global heavyweight in boutique language services. Hailing from the vibrant city of Kabul, Afghanistan, Nisar brought his passion and expertise to the U.S. shores in 2001. In the realm of languages, he’s a titan. With 19 years under his belt, he’s worn hats from a linguist and instructor to a cultural bridge-builder and curriculum craftsman.

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