我们的核心信念是,语言不应成为障碍,沟通不应存在界限。 无论是口语还是手语,我们的承诺始终坚定不移:我们的目标是倡导包容性,让个人在熟练口译员的帮助下,用母语流畅地表达自己的观点。
TE 帮助各组织满足其需求
聋人和重听人 (D/HoH) 员工及访客。
为任何需要交流服务的人申请 CART 和字幕服务。
为任何需要交流服务的人申请 CART 和字幕服务。
我们对合作的每家供应商进行评估,以确保提供最高质量的服务。 我们的服务标准体现在我们为每项工作挑选的高技能、高素质的口译员上。
- 商业
- 政府
- 特别活动
- 医疗保健
- 法律
- 教育
Rebecca has lived in Colorado almost her entire life. She has a strong background in languages and culture and has studied closely Spanish, Russian, Latin, plus many more languages. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from UCCS and a Master’s degree in Linguistics from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and has solid experience working with many different types of languages and cultures, clients, and technology. Rebecca spends her free time with family & friends, listening to music, and enjoying life in Colorado.
Melissa Halverson “also goes by Elli” is a native of the Land of 10,000 Lakes, Minnesota. She is an experienced ASL scheduler who utilizes her creativity, leadership and organizational skills to provide top quality scheduling services to Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities. In addition to that, it is her newfound passion to create bridging opportunities and connections among the sign language community. She is fluent in ASL and has done work as an ASL tutor for the University of Minnesota. Melissa holds a Bachelor of Science in biology from Bemidji University. She has 3 C’s addictions: coffee, cheese, and chocolate, and her getaways are often at beaches.
Jason Klein “JJ”, a midwesterner from the Queen City (Cincinnati, OH), is our certified ASL staff interpreter and scheduling coordinator at Translation Excellence. JJ is a native user of American Sign Language and started his interpreting career in 2010 upon receiving his Associate’s degree from Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. Later, he transferred to Gallaudet University in Washington, DC and earned his Bachelors Degree (2014) in interpreting and played three years of baseball. He has spent most of his professional career around our nation’s capital interpreting in the community with a focus in government. In his free time, JJ enjoys going to the gym, golfing, playing recreational softball, and spending time with family and friends.
Emma Newcity is a proud New England (Southeast MA/RI) native and currently lives in the Denver, CO area. Emma graduated from Hofstra University in 2018 with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. After college she worked in the nonprofit sector specializing in behavioral health and addiction treatment. Her former position as a case manager introduced her to the world of scheduling interpreting services. In her free time, Emma enjoys writing and performing music, gardening, cooking, watching New England sports, and spending time with family and friends.</p>
Catherine Diaz is the Director of CART & Captioning Services at Translation Excellence. Catherine is responsible for managing the scheduling support and personnel related matters including performance evaluations and developing plans for improvement. She has been working with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community since 2012 and has always enjoying meeting new people and serving her local community. She has traveled to Greece, England, Austria, and She lived with her sister in Chicago and her brother in Hawaii, but always calls Denver home. From 2003 to 2007, she lived and worked in Uganda establishing schools and medical clinics. When she is not working or traveling, Catherine enjoys playing games with her friends and family, live music, and antiquing.
TE Bridge 远程视频口译
VRI 是技术带来的一种更新、更有用的服务,它使聋人或重听人无论身处何地或口译员在何处,都能获得口译服务。 您只需要一台配有网络摄像头和宽带连接的电脑! 美国残疾人权利法》规定,在使用 VRI 或现场口译员都有效的情况下,可以选择使用这两种口译员。 在难以获得现场口译员的农村或其他地区,自愿口译员尤其有用。 TE 的 VRI 平台高效且易于使用!