

The History of Language: What We Used to Speak

Tracing languages back is one of the most useful tools in understanding how groups of people have moved, changed, and interacted. The dialects that turned to languages as they diverged and migrated to new areas and the words they borrowed from new groups they met all can provide a history of interactions using the words

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Tips and Tricks for Translating and Interpreting Colloquial Expressions in Regional Language

Languages are constantly evolving, changing, and morphing, sometimes so dramatically that a variety used in one community becomes unrecognizable to outsiders. Even when speakers of different varieties of a single language can communicate effectively, one can often detect a phonetic, lexical, or even syntactical variation between them. This can pose a problem for translators and

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Tips for learning Japanese as a Second Language

For an English speaker, learning Japanese can seem overwhelming. With kanji, katakana, hiragana, and a new grammar structure, the learning process can seem nearly impossible. Despite this initial shock, Japanese is a completely accessible language to English speakers, even though learning Japanese will take time and commitment. Check out these tips to make the process

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How Language affects Emotional Expression

Communication is universal. Regardless of what language you speak, humans aim to communicate with one another in order to achieve common goals. Despite this need to communicate common to all people, does emotional expression in languages differ? How people communicate varies from culture to culture. Can culture itself impact emotional expression and communication, something so

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How Does Society Influence Language Use?

The complex relationship that exists between society and language has been heavily discussed, particularly over the past few decades. Several significant theories and hypotheses come to mind when considering this relationship; for example, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, which attempts to explain how language influences the way we perceive our world, is often cited as a major

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