
Marketing and Networking

Three economies to watch in 2015

Since 2003, the acronym BRICS has been used by foreign investors to describe some of the world’s top growing economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. While these countries are still economic powerhouses as 2015 begins, other countries have growing economies that may increase their importance on the global economic stage. Here are three

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How to Market Energy Resources to People Who Don’t Speak Your Language

In the energy business, advertising is critical to receiving positive reception from your clients. However, the techniques used to market to certain clients may not necessarily be universal for all clients. Perhaps, clients who don’t speak the same language as you do may misinterpret your advertising and you may receive a negative response. This blog

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How to Effectively Build Meaningful Business Relationships Around the World

In the professional world, who you know is all that matters. With that in mind, it is important to know how to effectively build and maintain business relationships in order to maximize your professional connections. The following tips should help you understand how to build the necessary international business relationships that will help you succeed

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Sample Translations

When debating which company to choose for a particular service, it is often a good idea to compare the companies’ quality of work and choose the one that best meets your needs. For example, if you were to choose a catering company, wouldn’t you like to taste some of the foods they make before you

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The Importance of a Quality Tagline to the Success of your Business

“That was easy,” “Magically delicious,” and “The happiest place on earth.” All of these are business taglines that conjure up an image of a brand, product or service within a few simple words. Coming up with a business tagline that people like and easily remember can help you establish your company to potential customers. Creating

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