

Another Famous Linguist: El Inca Garcilaso dela Vega (1539-1616)

Among the famous historical translators and interpreters in the industry, one name that comes up frequently is Garcilaso de la Vega. Garcilaso de la Vega had a unique advantage in his life that eventually permitted him to interpret on both a linguistic as well as cultural level. This unique advantage that made Garcilaso de la

Another Famous Linguist: El Inca Garcilaso dela Vega (1539-1616)Read More

Another Famous Linguist: El Inca Garcilaso dela Vega (1539-1616) Read More »

Translating Invented Terms

In some cases, translators will come across a word straight from the mind of a text’s author. When there’s no possible way for invented words to have an equivalent in the target language, translators must come up with their most creative solutions. Technical Language When an engineer or scientist invents a new process or makes

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Translation Glossaries

For companies that hope to expand their consumer audience to another country or a new group of non-English speakers, high-quality translation of materials and documents into that community’s language is vital. One of the best ways to ensure that translations of all of your materials are consistent and accurate is to create translation glossaries of all of

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Translating Concepts that Don’t Exist in your Language: How, Why, and When

If you’ve ever met someone who speaks your native tongue as their second language, they may have tried to explain something to you but been unable to. Afterwards, they could say that it’s easier to explain that concept in their own language. Why is this? Could your friend not have a complete grasp of your

Translating Concepts that Don’t Exist in your Language: How, Why, and When Read More »

Translating Japanese Haiku: Does the Meaning Remain?

Furu ike ya Kawazu tobikomu Mizu no oto             -Bashō The ancient pond A frog jumps in: Plop! -Donald Keene The tradition of Japanese poetry dates back to ancient times, as far back as the eighth century with the compilation of the Man’yōshū, the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry (Donald Keene). Originally, longer poems, known

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The Role of CART- Part 2: Courtroom access for People who are hearing Impaired

Vibrant sounds fill the world; from the gentle strumming of a guitar to the constant barking of your neighbor’s dog at 5:00 a.m., sound is a constant part of daily life. Sounds, whether pleasant or frustrating, provide us with important information, especially in the form of spoken language. For people who are hearing impaired, much

The Role of CART- Part 2: Courtroom access for People who are hearing Impaired Read More »

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